3 Painted Spotty nails experiment Spotty nail art 10 different ways to do spotty style! First I paint the base coat using bright colours. Barry M - 306 Blueberry Barry M... 3 Comments 0 Painted summer ice lolly party nails more pics of finished look at the end! Hello, another week full of work has flown by, I've been trying to make the most of my free... 0 Comments 3 Painted Reach for the stars! rainbow brite nails Heey guys! do you like my nails this week?! I had them for 1 day only because of the new job so I thought I'd make them special ones. A... 3 Comments Newer Posts Older Posts Home Contact Form Name Email * Message * Popular Posts Leopardello nails Welcome to leopardello nails ;-) AAh finally.. I did it, this post is my entry to Twinkle twinkles Summer of Color Challenge week 3... Under the sea nails Hi everybody, these are my Under the sea nails, what do you think? They remind me of waves I'm liking nice rich tones at the moment. ... Winter-land nails Hello, hope everyone had a nice weekend. These are my wondrous winter-land nails, I've been looking forward to trying another landsca... Bird egg nails I designed this nail art with two inspirations in mind.. regular readers will know I'm taking part in the summer of colour challenge (... Summer lovin' nails I created these nails as my entry in Twinkle Twinkles 'Summer of Color 2' challenge, the colour schem... Rock 'n Rio nails Hiya, I'm back.. I've got some super summerlicious nails, it may not be showing any signs of actual summer here yet but the nail... Happy neon fish nails Hiya, Got a new look to share today .. . Firstly though, a big Happy Birthday to my sis. it was her birthday yesterday... Oh boy Oh boy Donald Ducks birthday! Happy Birthday Donald.. 78 years since his first ever screen appearance and still looking great ^_^ even without any pants.. and that is... Txt msg nails Hellooo I'm back with a tutorial as promised! boy have I had a lot of trouble upholding said promise!! it rained so hard today! We e... clock nails Hi everybody - here are my new nails as of yesterday, I feel like I'm always trying to keep to my schedule: my alarm clock gets me ... Blog Archive ► 2017 (1) ► January (1) ► 2013 (24) ► April (1) ► March (5) ► February (6) ► January (12) ► 2012 (90) ► December (3) ► November (3) ► September (2) ► August (8) ► July (14) ► June (13) ► May (9) ► April (9) ► March (11) ► February (11) ► January (7) ▼ 2011 (24) ► December (6) ► November (5) ▼ May (3) Spotty nails experiment summer ice lolly party nails Reach for the stars! rainbow brite nails ► April (7) ► March (3) Ads